Monday Jan 08, 2024
A Silence is Broken
Monday Jan 08, 2024
Monday Jan 08, 2024
Passage: Luke 1:5-25; 57-66
After over 400 years of waiting without any word from the Lord through his prophets to his people, the silence is broken in an angel's appearance to an elderly priest named Zechariah. The news the angel brings is a shocking surprise that is first received with unbelief, but is later revealed with great joy and blessing as God prepares the way for an even greater revelation and Word to his people.
Monday Jan 08, 2024
Wisdom from a Young Man
Monday Jan 08, 2024
Monday Jan 08, 2024
Passage: Job 32-37
Having given the closing arguments in his claim of unjust suffering, we now wait to see how God will respond to Job. But first, seemingly out of nowhere a young man named Elihu appears to give his opinion on the matter. Biblical scholars are widely split on Elihu's contribution to this story, but one thing is certain, he has a lot to say, and if we listen carefully, we will find that there is wisdom in his words, wisdom that paves the way to hearing from the One who is true Wisdom and Righteousness. Join us Sunday as we hear surprising wisdom from a young man.
Sunday Nov 26, 2023
Closing Arguments
Sunday Nov 26, 2023
Sunday Nov 26, 2023
Passage: Job 29-31
In a trial, the closing arguments are the final summation of all that's been presented in the case, and is given to persuade the jury and the judge of the guilt or innocence of the defendant. Job having received and refuted the accusations of his friends, now takes up his final defense and gives his closing arguments against his unjust suffering and pain. His summation ends with a plea that God would hear and answer his claim to righteousness and justice. In his closing arguments, we see a foreshadowing of the case that is made on our behalf, by our advocate and redeemer, Jesus Christ Join us Sunday as we look at Job's closing arguments before he finds himself standing before Almighty God.
Sunday Nov 26, 2023
What Not to Let Go Of
Sunday Nov 26, 2023
Sunday Nov 26, 2023
Passage: Job 22-28
As the debate between Job and his friends continues, we see the friends fall silent in their growing frustration, while Job speaks more boldly out of his growing faith. Though he still cannot understand God's seeming absence and silence in his suffering, and he knows that God is sovereign and just in all things, Job remains steadfast in his faithfulness to God's word and refuses to give in to his accusers that say he deserves this punishment. Indeed, to do so would be to confirm Satan's charge that Job only loves God for his blessings. No, Job will cling to the only hope he has and that is that he knows God considers him righteous or blameless in his eyes. In other words, Job clings to the gospel as he knows it. Join us Sunday as we learn from Job what not to let go of in the midst of trials and suffering.
Sunday Nov 26, 2023
My Redeemer Lives
Sunday Nov 26, 2023
Sunday Nov 26, 2023
Passage: Job 4-14
You know how frustrating it can be when you are utterly convinced you are right, but everyone else around you is convinced that you're wrong. As the comfort of Job's friends turns more and more into condemnation, and as Job is more convinced than ever that he has not done anything to deserve the suffering he's facing, he more and more realizes there is only one who can come to his defense, and it is the same one who he feels is bringing this suffering upon him. He doesn't understand it, but he becomes convinced that his only vindication can come from God who he sees as both his judge and his only hope for justification. This glimmer of hope we saw last week, begins to brighten in Job's mind and heart, even as he continues to battle the increasing darkness of his situation. Join us Sunday as we continue in our study of Job and see his hope in a Redeemer who lives.
Sunday Nov 26, 2023
Darkened Counsel, Dawning Hope
Sunday Nov 26, 2023
Sunday Nov 26, 2023
Passage: Job 4-14
As Job's suffering and pain continue unabated and unexplained, his friends show up to offer comfort and counsel. As Job begins to voice the "why" questions that suffering bring, his three friends offer answers that while meant to shine light on his pain, actually contribute to the deepening darkness of his plight. However, as Job responds to their darkening counsel, he begins to express glimmers of a dawning hope. Join us Sunday as we continue in our study of the book of Job and when the righteous suffer.
Sunday Nov 26, 2023
When the Pain Lingers Long
Sunday Nov 26, 2023
Sunday Nov 26, 2023
Passage: Job 2:11-3:26
It is not unusual in the hour of tragedy or suffering for God to give us grace to stand up under this pain, and in faith to proclaim his sovereignty even in suffering. But what happens when the hour of our trials turns into days, months or even years? How do we respond when the pain lingers long? After sitting in silence for some time, Job finally bursts forth with cries of anguish, and his words are both shocking and comforting. Join us Sunday as take a look at what we can learn from Job when the pain lingers long in suffering.
Sunday Nov 26, 2023
What in Heaven is Going On?
Sunday Nov 26, 2023
Sunday Nov 26, 2023
Passage: Job 1:6-2:10
The book of Job opens with a series of tragic events that leave Job materially destitute, physically disabled, and emotionally isolated. It is suffering and pain almost unimaginable in its proportions, yet all to familiar in its effect of leaving us wondering what in the world is going on? We are given a glimpse of what Job could not see, but what in his heart he knew and believed. Behind these earthly trials there was a heavenly purpose which God was ultimately working, and though he could not fully understand, he still believed and trusted. His initial response proves that and sets the table for dealing with the many questions that will follow. Job's story is given to us not to answer all the questions that suffering brings, but to prepare us to respond in faith when it comes. Join us Sunday as we consider what in heaven is going on in times of suffering.
Sunday Nov 26, 2023
There Was a Man Named Job
Sunday Nov 26, 2023
Sunday Nov 26, 2023
Passage: Job 1:1-12
In our series in Proverbs this summer, we saw that those who pursue and live according to God's wisdom generally experience blessings such as prosperity, peace, health, protection, guidance and long life. The overall message of Proverbs is the way of the wise or righteous leads to life and joy and the way of the foolish or wicked leads to suffering and death. But what about when the righteous suffer? What are we to make of deep pain, loss, tragedy and suffering in the lives of those who trust God and whose way is blameless and upright? That question is at the heart of the story of Job, a great man who suffered greatly. And while Job does not get all his questions answered (and neither do we), his life and his response to suffering, have a great deal to teach us about facing suffering of our own or of others, trusting God's sovereignty in suffering, and hoping in the redemption that comes through suffering, even when we don't have all the answers. Join us this Sunday as we kick off our fall series in the book of Job: When the Righteous Suffer.
Thursday Oct 26, 2023